I've been having fun playing around with clouds. I took a lot of reference photos of clouds while I was up in Cooperstown, NY this August and I am just now getting around to painting them. The clouds are so amazing up in the mountains. They seem to change every minute, or maybe that was just the weather while I was there.
This summer I was able to visit Swiss Village Farm during their annual Visitors Day, the one day a year when they allow the public onto the farm grounds. The scenery was amazing and my reference photos don't do it justice, never mind my painting. But I will keep trying...
This little clipping has been sitting in my kitchen window since late summer. It is actually a clipping from a clipping, of the pot of coleus from my front porch. Talk about hardy! I just love the chartruese of the leaves and the way the red splotches look painted on ( on the actual plant, here it is obviously, actually painted on...) Since this guy is so resillient, I may have to do a few more paintings.