Monday, June 1, 2015

my process... my product(?)

So, I've been thinking a lot about process, and product, and if I have one and if so, what is it...

I have started a new project, #the100dayproject on Instagram. Ella Luna the author of The Crossroads of Should and Must prompted her followers to spend 100 days creating something, and post it on Instagram.  Every day in May, I have posted a photo of a painting in my sketchbook.  Some are more developed than others, but I mainly intended to let it be a place to experiment, and not have the pressure of a "finished" product.  Sometimes I prefer the works in progress to the ones that I develop more fully.

Sometimes I like the finished ones.

Today someone offered to buy the painting I did of their dog.  My question is, should I let this be a product, as in should I sell my sketchbook pages? or make prints of them? or just leave them be as my "process" and work on new separate pieces if someone is interested?

Overall, I have enjoyed the process of sticking with a single format (6" x6" sketchbook), medium (watercolor) and subject (dogs) for an extended amount of time...and that's good because I still have 69 days to go!

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