Wednesday, September 2, 2015

30 paintings in 30 days, September 2015 Edition

Day one! 

September 1st started my new project, 30 portraits in 30 days. I find working in series to be very productive for me and so I jumped at the chance to sign up for Leslie Saeta's 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge.  I've decide to stick to portraits because that is something I love and have always wanted to improve on. For now I'm sticking with monochromatic watercolor because I feel working out he drawing is hard enough with out throwing color into the mix... Maybe as the month goes on I will feel more comfortable and break into more color.  I intend to at least do one sketch in my book everyday, and then more on days when I have more time ( like when E starts school next week).  I liked how this one was coming along before I tried to add in more details...

but I thought it got weird when I did...

Either way, it doesn't have a likeness, which is what really bothers me.  So, I keep trying!

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